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'Black box' ESG scenario modelling

'Bang-for-buck' ESG impact analysis

SFA (Oxford) can develop its 'black-box' scenario analysis for commodity and energy value chain players to understand the impact of ESG development, sustainability and transition to clean energy sources. With an urgency to optimise investment returns and meet sustainable development goals targets, SFA can work with you to evaluate and stress-test your ESG investment strategy, and macro-environment using a multi-faceted modelling approach to quantify and qualify the most value-adding ESG initiatives to your business to meet long-term sustainability goals for shareholders.

Let us help you with your sustainability scenarios

Contact one of our team for more details.

Oksan Atilan

Consulting Automotive Analyst

Dr Fahad Aljahdali

General Manager, KSA

Other ESG consulting solutions

Explore other sustainability services for green investors.

How can we help you?

SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.

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