China Market Outlook
Platinum Group Metals
In-depth research and analysis from experts
SFA (Oxford) has dramatically expanded its analysis of China’s PGM supply chain from beyond the refinery gate to encompass the full end-use marketplace including automotive OEMs, jewellers, catalyst fabricators, petroleum refiners, glass fabricators and electronics manufacturers. Furthermore, we have developed a detailed understanding of sectoral key players/users, PGM trading, regulations, catalyst manufacturing and recycling in China.
SFA's evaluation of China's market size and structure (metal flows) have been analysed from the bottom-up within a global context, the precious metals trading environment and regulations for foreign companies, processes and restrictions examined. Projections on actual consumption rates (loadings, metal content), recycling volumes and end-use growth are regularly derived and monitored.
Our team has a fast-growing network of PGM industry contacts in China's upstream supply linkages as well as with many downstream players and users across the automotive, chemical, jewellery, public and governmental sectors. Chinese keynote speakers have recently provided significant clarity and insights on precious metal recycling at our Oxford Platinum Lectures event.
SFA has also undertaken a PGM market study that covers the whole of Southeast Asia.
Who should read this report?
Traders and new business entrants that require business strategy, investment timing, long-term risks and opportunities, and an independent view of the Chinese PGM market.
Commodity risk managers from fabricators, car companies, petroleum companies and other end-users, for help with assessing price volatility, price direction, or the economics and security of demand.
Financiers, pension funds, investors and other financial institutions needing to understand the long-term demand risks and opportunities in the industry.
Live Q&A with the analysts

- Our China PGM market intelligence report is supported by a video call, most often hosted through MS Teams, which is led by Beresford Clarke, along with our team of expert PGM analysts to highlight the key market aspects and address any further questions you may have.
Contact one of our team for more details

Jamie Underwood
Principal Consultant
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How can we help you?
SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.