Long-Term PGM Market Outlook
Platinum, palladium and rhodium
Our latest long-term PGM market view to 2035
SFA (Oxford)’s Long-term PGM Market Outlook is an in-depth, forward-looking report on the current and long-term trends and influences acting on the global platinum, palladium, and rhodium markets. It provides price direction and market trends out to 2035 and is vital to understanding price risk and the sustainability of these markets. Our latest report delves into the economic strain on PGM producers and the impact on supply and examines recycling's influence on mine supply and its forecasted impact on price. Realistic scenario outcomes for supply and demand variables are also included in this ground-breaking market outlook.

Discover the latest long-term market trends
Our report is packed with an all-inclusive analysis of the platinum, palladium and rhodium markets out to 2035, and provides a long-term sensitivity analysis of demand with vital information needed to best gauge the impacts in the usage of palladium, platinum and rhodium as a result of falling PGM prices, tightening tailpipe emissions standards, intra-metal substitution trends, shifts in powertrains (advances in electrification of powertrains and pure battery-electric vehicles), and recycling. It analyses the changes in and economics of global supply, as well as long-term production profiles. Also included is a detailed forecast evaluation of the PGM markets (including metal prices and their influence on the jewellery, industrial, chemical, petroleum and investment sectors).
Demand and pricing
Robust, economically derived, PGM price forecasts out to 2035 based on fundamental global and regional supply-demand market developments and relevant macroeconomic factors.
An analysis of global demand trends on a regional basis, covering the major PGM end-use sectors (autocatalysis, jewellery, glass, petroleum, electronics, chemical, nitric acid, and medical/dental) and including the investment sector (such as exchange-traded funds).
An analysis of global autocatalyst demand, with special attention, applied to environmental legislation affecting global emission standards, gasoline, diesel and hybrid trends, PGM loadings (thrifting) and the substitutability of platinum and palladium in this end-use sector. Future automotive developments and opportunities for PGM demand growth are also commented on, including fuel cell technology, hybrid vehicles and other alternative fuels.
Primary supply
Reports of historical, current and future producer mine supply trends for PGMs, referencing recent expansions and their deliverability, other new projects, including the junior sector coming online, and projects shelved or postponed. PGMs produced as by-products of base-metal mining are also considered.
A comprehensive explanation of the long-term cost of producing virgin metal, taking account of the cost and profit dynamics of production on a regional basis (South Africa − Western Bushveld, Eastern Bushveld, Northern Limb, Zimbabwe, USA, Canada and Russia). Forward extrapolations of production profiles, costs and margins have been conducted to provide short-, medium- and long-term pictures of producers’ profitability. Mines that do not have PGMs as their primary output but which are, nevertheless, substantial PGM producers (‘Nornickel’, a nickel producer, and ‘Canadian other’, which includes the operations of Vale and Falconbridge) are also included in our analysis.
Producer profiles, using a consistent framework for comparison based on cash costs and excluding capital, financing and depreciation/amortisation charges. The basic cost measurement reflects primarily physical production costs and includes other cash costs incurred, being mainly corporate overheads, marketing and royalties, etc. Costs are calculated net of the credits arising from the sale of by-products (Net TCC/4E oz). Rand currency sensitivity comments are included and key components/assumptions for the cash cost curve are defined.
Secondary supply
An assessment of the future potential volumes of recycling, including autocatalyst, electronics and jewellery scrapping rates. The analysis covers collection rates, types and age of scrap supply, timing, contained metal and ratios, and the business case to recycle, as well as incentive prices and impacts from price volatility.
Our detailed analysis and valuable industry insight is backed up by eleven analysts working discreetly with the industry in all areas of the value chain, whether at South African mines, valuing projects and plants around the world, working with fabricators to assess the impact of new end-uses, visiting China and Japan to investigate their jewellery markets or with corporate Boards conducting price risk analysis for multi-million dollar business decisions.

Who should read this report?
Commodity risk managers from fabricators, car companies, petroleum companies and other end-users, for help with assessing price volatility, price direction, or the economics and security of supply.
Financiers, pension funds, investors and other financial institutions needing to understand the long-term risks and opportunities in the industry, future costs of production and long-term prices for project and business valuation.
Miners, refiners and juniors that require long-term prices and market justification for project appraisal, investment timing, business strategy, and an independent view on the markets.
New business entrants.
Live Q&A with the analysts

Each biannual report is supported by a video call, most often hosted through MS Teams, which is led by Beresford Clarke, along with our team of expert PGM analysts to highlight the key market aspects and address any further questions you may have.
Contact one of our team for more details

Beresford Clarke
Managing Director: Technical & Research

Dr Jenny Watts
Head of Clean Energy & Sustainability

Dr Ralph Grimble
Operations Director

Alex Biddle
Senior Mining Analyst

Oksan Atilan
Consulting Automotive Analyst

Dr Sandeep Kaler
Market Strategy Analyst
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