PGM market reports
Short, medium and long-term forecasts
A legacy built on PGM market independence and rigour
SFA (Oxford) is a world-renowned authority on platinum group metals and provides a range of in-depth market intelligence derived from ground-up modelling of supply and demand fundamentals and our hands-on, forward-looking commentary and analysis on the events and trends impacting the PGM marketplace. Each report is supported with direct interaction with the SFA team of analysts. Our PGM market reports and accurate PGM price forecasts have developed a 'cult' following by the key value chain players, delivering unique market insights ahead of the industry and supporting our clients in their strategic decisions.
Platinum, palladium and rhodium market reports
Whether you are interested in quarterly PGM price reporting, long-term annual forecasts, or both, SFA can help.

PGM Market Report and Price Outlook to 2040
Our highly detailed market view provides current and long-term trends and influences acting on the global PGM markets.

PGM Autocatalyst Recycling Market Study
The most in-depth evaluation of autocatalyst recycling available, this ground-breaking new study includes stakeholder interviews throughout the supply chain.

The PGM Quarterly Market Report and Price Outlook
Released every three months, this price risk-focused report details-impacting factors for platinum, palladium and rhodium markets for the next three years.

Ruthenium, iridium and hydrogen metals reports
For green hydrogen metals, SFA provides quarterly reporting on this fast-moving space.

The Ruthenium Market Report and Price Outlook
Stay up-to-date with a quarterly 5-year forecast on ruthenium's technological developments and underlying evolution of supply, demand and end-use applications.

The Iridium Market Report and Price Outlook
A comprehensive quarterly report on iridium market fundamentals and integration of future technologies for new and existing end-users.

Green Hydrogen Metals Market and Price Outlook
A proprietary report unlocking the current and future demands for precious metals (Pt, Ir, and Ru) used in electrolysers and fuel cells for the hydrogen economy.
Special PGM market reports
SFA has developed expertise across the value chain to assist your due diligence.

Heraeus Precious Appraisal and Market Spotlights
In collaboration with Heraeus, this weekly report makes sure all the key precious metal and macroeconomic developments are fully analysed by the SFA team.

Joining the Dots between the PGM markets & prices
Unrivalled insights and definitive answers to PGM purchasing dynamics, metal flows, trading and pricing factors affecting platinum, palladium and rhodium.

Spent Autocatalyst PGM Recycling Mapped
A comprehensive study of recycled autocatalysts from scrapyards, collection, decanners, smelting and refining players, technology developments and economics.

PGM Waste Streams Quantification and Audit
A detailed look at the precious metals recovered from PGM processing plant waste streams at concentrators, smelters and refineries, and tailings dams.

Evaluation of PGM Processing Utilisation
SFA's advanced mineral processing assessment offers offtake opportunities into existing PGM smelting, base metals and precious metals refining facilities.

Global PGM Project Monitor Outlook
DCF scenario modelling analysing the attractiveness of global PGM projects based on incentivised PGM pricing which can motivate new supply.

Long-term PGM Supply Appraisal Outlook
An evaluation on future platinum, palladium and rhodium supply risk from mines and projects around the world, and the economic cost of production.

Global PGM Mine Depletion Assessment
Analytics on the PGM primary production landscape, assessing estimated depletion rates of mines and projects, forecasting ounce loss.

The Long-term Chrome Market Outlook
Our bespoke chrome report gives our latest view on supply, demand, and pricing out to 2026 and analyses the impact of chrome on mine profitability.

Regional PGM market outlook reports
SFA's bespoke market reports cover all major regions in detail for new entrants.

North America PGM Market Outlook
An assessment of PGM purchasing, trade flows and end-use consumption as well as mapping key industry players for strategic investment.

China PGM Market Outlook
Bottom-up evaluation of the precious metals trading environment, regulatory framework, end-use markets, recycling volumes and key players.

Southeast Asia PGM Market Outlook
A critical impact study of PGM consumption by country of major-end uses, and future metal requirements by company.

India PGM Market Outlook
Detailed market intelligence on PGM demand and supply, major players and the recycling market to assist strategic planning.

Northern Hemisphere PGM Processing Report
Processing analytics, capacity utilisation rates, logistical flows and plant feeds for the PGM smelters, and refineries of North America, Europe and Russia.
Contact one of our team for more details

Henk de Hoop
Chief Executive Officer

Beresford Clarke
Managing Director: Technical & Research

David Mobbs
Head of Marketing

Kimberly Berman
Energy Transition Technology and Metals Specialist

Yoshi Mizoguchi Owen
Marketing Associate: Japan

Jamie Underwood
Principal Consultant

Joel Lacey
Sales and Marketing Specialist

How can we help you?
SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.