Closed and open-loop PGM market evaluation
Bespoke research
Precious metals loop analysis from an expert team
SFA (Oxford) can provide you with the most insightful 360-degree research covering the undisclosed closed-loop market sectors by quantifying installed capacities, system losses and top-up requirements by company and sector. With detailed PGM volumes across all main sectors and key chemical and petrochemical processes, as well as recycling, industrial stocks and investment, SFA is uniquely positioned to give you the most holistic insights to truly understand the PGM markets inside and out. We can help by identifying all the key players and industrial segments, the process linkages between them, and the PGM metal flows between each process from fabricators to end-users. SFA takes account of installed and future planned processing capacities, new catalyst technologies and the industrial relationships with catalyst suppliers and turnkey engineering and system providers. Let SFA give you fresh closed-loop insights to complement your open-loop PGM market knowledge for platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium and ruthenium, and distil system losses, recycling, and metal top-ups.
Unlocking rich insights with detailed PGM research
SFA is experienced in mapping and quantifying regional PGM catalyst demand for open and closed-loop end-uses and production processes such as:
Automotive PGM catalyst production for passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, medium and heavy trucks, buses and non-road vehicles.
Petrochemical processes such as oil refining (catalytic reforming, isomerisation, hydrocracking), Gas-to-liquids, xylene production, Ammonia production, Olefins production, Caprolactam production, Vinyl acetate monomer production (VAM), purified terephthalic acid (PTA) production), monoethylene glycol (MEG) production and acetic acid production).
Chemical PGM processes include nitric acid production, silicone production, hydrogen peroxide.
Pharmaceutical catalysts and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Homogenous and heterogeneous PGM catalysts.
Fuel cell materials for electrolysers and fuel cells.

Case studies
Let us analyse the closed- and open-loop PGM sectors for you
Contact one of our team for more details.

Henk de Hoop
Chief Executive Officer

Beresford Clarke
Managing Director: Technical & Research

Jamie Underwood
Principal Consultant
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How can we help you?
SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.