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The Hydrogen Metals Standard

The Hydrogen Metals Standard

The Hydrogen Metals Standard comprises analytical articles on those issues we believe will set the PGM agenda for the years ahead and is released at our Green Metals and Hydrogen events.

Metals for a decarbonised future


Edition 1 – Featured articles


  1. The role of hydrogen and PGMs in the coming sustainable world

    Dr. Katsuhiko Hirose, WPI Visiting Professor at the International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research, former Professional Partner at Toyota Motor Corporation

  2. The greening of hydrogen

    Jeremy Coombes, Independent Consultant & Member of SFA (Oxford) Executive Committee

  3. Catalysing a low-carbon future:
    Mission-critical metals for the hydrogen economy

    Francesca Price & Alex Biddle, SFA (Oxford)


Download the 2021 report

Japanese version

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