Green hydrogen and fuel cells
Value chain consulting
Supporting your investments in the energy transition
At the core of SFA (Oxford)'s business is bespoke consulting. We have a wealth of industry experience across the platinum group metals and hydrogen value chains to help facilitate the green energy transition. The transport and energy sectors have been integral to the PGM markets since they revolve around oil, petrochemicals and the internal combustion engine. As we pivot to a world where renewable molecules such as hydrogen must be generated from renewable sources such as solar and wind, and fuel cells become practical to use, so SFA's analysis extends seamlessly into these technologies too. Our clients are now benefiting from deeper insights to enter the hydrogen value chain with confidence.
For over 20 years, SFA has worked with some of the pioneers in the hydrogen economy, on the short-, medium- and long-term risks and opportunities for their businesses.
PGMs are key catalysts in some of the leading technologies for the production and use of hydrogen. The role of iridium and platinum in proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers to produce green hydrogen from water using renewable electricity offers great hope to make use of otherwise curtailed renewable power. Using this hydrogen in a PEM fuel cell (platinum and ruthenium) powertrain vehicle offers the prospect of zero-emissions travel on roads, railways, rivers and sea, and even in the air. The SFA team is here to support your journey.

Hydrogen consulting solutions

Strategy, planning and Board support
SFA works with value chain players to navigate green hydrogen opportunities, energy solutions, market risks and emerging zero-carbon technologies.

Due diligence studies and commercial advisory
SFA identifies investment and commercial opportunities for players across the hydrogen value chain, and where green hydrogen can be best utilised for investment.

Renewable energy and green hydrogen economics
SFA evaluates electrolyser and competing technology economics, growth opportunities and market risks for PGM based-technologies and thrifting.

Green metals for the hydrogen economy
SFA provides long-term precious metal supply security outlooks for platinum, iridium and ruthenium using detailed modelling of mine supply and recycling.

Hydrogen transport and energy storage
With SFA’s Hydrogen Mobility Watch, we can help you track the development of hydrogen fuel cell initiatives and infrastructure development projects underway.

Industry mapping the hydrogen landscape
SFA is closely following the green hydrogen water electrolyser and mobility players and projects underway across the industry, and national strategy developments.

Green hydrogen project benchmarking
SFA is developing its capabilities to benchmark individual green hydrogen projects to assess the long-term viability of industrial players becoming more competitive.

The legislative landscape around green hydrogen
SFA assesses the main international legal frameworks for green hydrogen development, penalties and incentives, implications and end-use sector opportunities.

Investor Board packs and roadshows
SFA is a trusted advisor to the Boards and senior management of major stakeholders and provides regular assistance to hydrogen strategy and planning efforts.
Hydrogen bespoke research
SFA offers tailored, independent market intelligence across the hydrogen value chain. The global fuel cell and hydrogen industries are moving from laboratory to market – innovation to commercialisation. Ambitious strategies are being developed to reach the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. There is a diverse mix of energy-intensive industries the green hydrogen market can support, including ammonia production, cement, ethylene, power, shipping, steel production, synfuel, and transport. SFA is tracking geographical, sectoral roadmaps and timescale layers for growth in green hydrogen opportunities. System companies with rising market share are locking in supply chain opportunities with buyouts. Globally, both the electrolyser and fuel cell industries are consolidating and the race for localisation manufacturing is underway.

North America's hydrogen and fuel cells market
North America has an ambitious hydrogen roadmap, leveraging decades of scientific and engineering developments, particularly in California.

Europe's green hydrogen and fuel cells market
Europe is home to some of the most innovative technologies, ambitious decarbonisation targets and national strategies, and strongest value chain networks.

China's green hydrogen and fuel cells market
China’s latest five-year plan to develop the hydrogen industry sets out the major tasks for industry groups and targets for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on the road.

Japan's green hydrogen and fuel cells market
Japanese companies continue to be pioneers in developing hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, as the country seeks to strengthen its energy security.

Africa's green hydrogen and fuel cells market
Southern Africa produces most of the world’s critical metals for the hydrogen economy and has the potential to generate significant renewable energy for export.

The Middle East's hydrogen and fuel cells market
The Middle East has vast solar and wind capacity to help enable green hydrogen production, in addition to its established role in the oil and petrochemicals economy.

Latin America's hydrogen and fuel cells market
Latin America has a strong position in renewables for power generation, and an international consortium is developing green hydrogen production in Chile.

Oceania's green hydrogen and fuel cells market
Australia and New Zealand are developing projects in the hydrogen supply chain, many of which are in collaboration with other significant regional players.
Meet the Hydrogen team
Trusted advice from a dedicated team of experts.

Henk de Hoop
Chief Executive Officer

Beresford Clarke
Managing Director: Technical & Research

Dr Jenny Watts
Head of Clean Energy & Sustainability

Dr Sandeep Kaler
Market Strategy Analyst

How can we help you?
SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.