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Battery Metals and Materials

Value chain consulting

Experts across the battery metals value chain

At the core of SFA (Oxford)'s business is bespoke consulting. We provide detailed, tailored assessments of strategic investment opportunities using our extensive industry expertise to evaluate the impact of the challenges affecting the battery metals and materials industry. For over 10 years, SFA has been working with its established clients to assess the battery metal markets and the rising market threat of electric vehicles to platinum group metals.

Consulting solutions

We offer a broad spectrum of battery metal services, applying our strategic focus and bespoke approach to meet your needs.

Due diligence studies and commercial advisory

Working with clients and third parties, SFA has a long track record of providing battery metals technical due diligence and financial modelling support.

Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate defence

Clients have used SFA to provide the analytical link with banks and financial institutions to support investment decision making and provide robust market support.

EV recycling opportunities and value chain assessment

Growing electric vehicle production and the build out of lithium-ion battery factories has led to the emergence of players, supply chains and processing technologies in battery recycling.

Price risk management and procurement strategies

Turn uncertainty into opportunity with SFA's battery metals risk management solutions, staying ahead of market trends, and mitigating supply chain risks.

IPO market chapters and feasibility studies

SFA has supported numerous client listings, capital raisings and investor roadshows by providing independent assessments of the lithium, nickel and cobalt markets, price forecasts and benchmarking of client projects, mines, brines and/or processing assets.

Peer-group benchmarking and margin analysis

SFA's battery metals asset benchmarking is unrivalled, providing you with a detailed understanding of which operations are outperforming and those most at risk.

Strategy, planning and Board support

SFA is a trusted advisor to boardrooms and senior management to major stakeholders and provides regular assistance to battery metals strategy and planning.

Investor Board packs and investor roadshows

SFA regularly supports clients on roadshows to assist on capital raisings and converse with fund managers, institutional investors and family wealth offices.

Black swan events and market impacts

The SFA team is constantly providing rich insights for its clients on structural events moving the battery metals markets and battery technology substitution.

Battery metals processing and commercial options

SFA has extensive experience assessing clients battery metal processing facilities and offtake options and supply chain offtake due diligence.

Price forecasting and project incentive pricing

SFA provides accurate short- to long-term battery metal price forecasts to support your business plans and contract negotiations, backed by our extensive research.

Environmental, social and governance solutions

Our breadth of ESG insights enables us to help meet your long-term sustainability targets across battery metals and materials.

Corporate ESG strategy and battery metals stewardship

SFA works closely with value chain players to understand how materially significant ESG issues can be integrated into their wider company strategy.

Peer-group ESG battery metals benchmarking

SFA's benchmarking of battery metal producers on material ESG factors generates high-resolution insights for sustainability-conscious investors.

Battery life cycle analysis and ESG impact

SFA evaluates the long and complex life cycle analysis of battery metals and materials to improve the recycling opportunities available for market stakeholders. 

ESG Consulting

Environmental, social and governance

Sustainability Reports

Environmental, Social and Governance

Bespoke research

SFA offers tailored, independent market intelligence across the battery metals and materials value chain.

Automotive powertrains and battery metals demand

SFA delivers detailed insights into market risks of automotive technologies for light-duty, heavy-duty, off-road and fuel cell vehicles to meet emission targets.

Energy storage to support renewable energy strategies

The pressure for renewable energy generation will require intermittent chemical energy storage solutions to support international climate change objectives.

EV charging and infrastructure deployment

With charging infrastructure lagging behind EV sales, SFA is on hand to help determine which localised markets will support battery electric vehicles.

Joining the dots for other battery metals & materials

SFA evaluates the strategic opportunities of other strategic battery materials such as manganese, vanadium, copper, graphite, silica, and rare earth elements.

Battery technologies – opportunities and threats

SFA analyses the emergence of the new and competing cathode, anode and electrolyte technologies, market adoption and the fall-out this has on battery materials.

Meet the Battery Metals and Materials team

Trusted advice from a dedicated team of experts.

Henk de Hoop

Chief Executive Officer

Beresford Clarke

Managing Director: Technical & Research

Jamie Underwood

Principal Consultant

Kimberly Berman

Energy Transition Technology and Metals Specialist

Daniel Croft

Commodity Analyst

Thomas Chandler

Principal Lithium Supply Analyst

Lakshya Gupta

Senior Market Analyst: Battery Materials and Technologies

Rj Coetzee

Senior Market Analyst: Battery Materials and Technologies

Ismet Soyocak

ESG & Critical Minerals Lead

Dr Fahad Aljahdali

General Manager, KSA

David Mobbs

Head of Marketing

Joel Lacey

Sales and Marketing Specialist

How can we help you?

SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.

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