Selected experience
Trusted advisors for recyclers
SFA (Oxford) has, over a number of years, been contracted to work discreetly with numerous companies throughout the PGM recycling value chain, providing assistance with due diligence on scrap processing facilities, filling underutilised capacity, sourcing feed material, understanding the economics of recycling, evaluating opportunities in emerging markets or producing a business case for a new entrant. The team has also provided in-depth analysis of the PGM value chain for spent autocatalyst recycling for a major refining company, analysis of the European and US catalyst markets, long-term forecasts of volumes available for recycling including primary and secondary refinery capacity estimates, due diligence on a European recycling operation, as well as business valuations and strategic investment and option reviews for major refining and recycling companies.

Tracking recycling flows
This experience has allowed us to develop a comprehensive understanding of the PGM recycling business and, using our extensive database on PGM end-use and sophisticated algorithms, we have quantified recycling volumes in autocatalyst, jewellery and electronic applications, including details of processing infrastructure capacity limits and economics. SFA has tracked the development of PGM usage and subsequent scrap generation in the autocatalyst, jewellery, and electrical and electronic sectors. This supply-side analysis for autocatalysts and these assumptions are underpinned by data on vehicle production, sales, trade, age distribution, collector locations and vehicle parc, as well as an understanding of historical, regional catalyst introduction and associated changes in loadings. The analysis has enabled us to model and define, by region, the existing and potential future volumes of PGMs and associated ceramic components available for recovery and recycling.

Case studies

Solutions for recyclers
SFA offers a broad spectrum of services for recyclers in PGMs and the emerging end-of-life lithium-ion battery-electric vehicle sector, applying our strategic focus and bespoke approach to meet your needs.
Market outlook reports for recyclers

Spent Autocatalyst PGM Recycling Mapped
A comprehensive study of recycled autocatalysts from scrapyards, collection, decanners, smelting and refining players, technology developments and economics.

Joining the Dots between the PGM markets & prices
Unrivalled insights and definitive answers to PGM purchasing dynamics, metal flows, trading and pricing factors affecting platinum, palladium and rhodium.

The PGM Quarterly Market Report and Price Outlook
Released every three months, this price risk-focused report details-impacting factors for platinum, palladium and rhodium markets for the next three years.

Green Hydrogen Metals Market and Price Outlook
A proprietary report unlocking the current and future demands for precious metals (Pt, Ir, and Ru) used in electrolysers and fuel cells for the hydrogen economy.

Heraeus Precious Appraisal and Market Spotlights
In collaboration with Heraeus, this weekly report makes sure all the key precious metal and macroeconomic developments are fully analysed by the SFA team.

North America PGM Market Outlook
An assessment of PGM purchasing, trade flows and end-use consumption as well as mapping key industry players for strategic investment.

China PGM Market Outlook
Bottom-up evaluation of the precious metals trading environment, regulatory framework, end-use markets, recycling volumes and key players.

Southeast Asia PGM Market Outlook
A critical impact study of PGM consumption by country of major-end uses, and future metal requirements by company.

Northern Hemisphere PGM Processing Report
Processing analytics, capacity utilisation rates, logistical flows and plant feeds for the PGM smelters, and refineries of North America, Europe and Russia.

PGM Market Report and Price Outlook to 2040
Our highly detailed market view provides current and long-term trends and influences acting on the global PGM markets.

The 2050 PGM Market Report and Price Outlook
SFA's new ground-breaking forward-looking report analyses the influences, market risks and trends on the PGM markets out to 2050.

Lithium battery recycling value chain and ESG
SFA evaluates the long and complex life-cycle analysis of lithium-ion battery raw materials to improve the opportunities available for market stakeholders.
Our industry value chain expertise

How can we help you?
SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.